FumeFX is a fluid dynamics engine designed for simulation and rendering of realistic fire, smoke, explosion and other gaseous phenomena. It’s versatility, robustness and intuitive workflow makes it a perfect solution for the most demanding tasks in the computer graphics industry. The core engine allows user to interfere with simulation computation at the lowest level. It is available for 3ds max
3DS MAX插件-SitniSati FumeFX 5.0.6 2014-2021 火焰水墨流体动力学模拟插件
AfterCodecs 1.10.9 AE/PR加速渲染输出编码插件稳定版
Blender插件-Creative Bundle V1.1.0 场景硬面建模插件工具包
C4D电线绳缆创建插件 Topowire 1.0 R14-R19
Corona Renderer 4 Hotfix 3 for C4D R14-R21 CR渲染器
专业3D渲染灯光与照明增强软件 The Foundry Katana 3.0v5 Win破解版
AE/PR插件-Pixel Encoder v1.6.3 Win 视觉像素化动画特效插件
AE插件-Lockdown v3.0.1 Win 物体表面跟踪特效合成高级工具
AE扩展-Liquids v1.0.0 一键填充模拟流体液体MG动画效果